terça-feira, 4 de junho de 2019

Breve Matéria Sobre o Desenvolvimento de Games em Cabo Verde.

Olá a todos, eu estava fazendo uma pesquisa sobre o desenvolvimento de jogos em países lusitanos(que falam português), e me interessei pela cena existente na África, a industria de games ainda é emergente por lá, tendo seu inicio datado de por volta de 10 anos. Entrei em contato com desenvolvedores de alguns países luso-africanos como Angola, Moçambique e Cabo Verde, mas apenas com o ultimo consegui levar o assunto para frente. Tive uma interessante conversa com Ivandro de Barros Ribeiro, Lead Designer da desenvolvedora de apps e games, Bonako, uma das mais influentes do ramo em Cabo Verde. Conversamos um pouco sobre a cena Cabo Verdiana e Africana em si. Onde soube do crescente interesse acerca do desenvolvimento de games pelos jovens de Cabo Verde, hoje em dia iniciar nessa carreira por lá exige bastante persistência pois faltam investimentos nessa área, muitos cabo verdianos acabam por estudar com ajuda de material vindo do exterior como no caso dos cursos. Segundo Ivandro Ribeiro, a Bonako está planejando mudar está situação, com a criação de cursos e eventos tais como Game Jams para incentivar e auxiliar a nova geração de desenvolvedores. Para aqueles que quiserem conferir os trabalhos da Bonako na prática estão abaixo os links para baixar seus Apps e Games.
Gostaria de agradecer o Ivandro de Barros Ribeiro e a Bonako pelo bate-papo que tivemos, e gostaria de desejar também boa sorte a todas suas iniciativas.

Site oficial da Bonako:

Bonako no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bonako.ent/

sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2018

Dominó - Master System - English Translation (Definitive Version)

Download Link:
Dominó(English Version) - Only IPS: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9l9l11wo22wklxj/Domino%2528TR-EN%2529.rar/file

To avoid any legal problems, to find the Original ROM the only hint I can give is: The SMS Power can extract any Mega Drive 4 rom ;) understand?

[Special thanks to ESRAEL NETO for creating the Tec Toy Mega Drive 4 file extractor]
[Special thanks to TABAJARA LABS for dumping Tec Toy Mega Drive 4]

Suggestions are welcome... 
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quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2018

Fábrica de Chocolate - Master System - English (Beta Version) - By ResetCartucho


Still Working on:
Download Link:
Fábrica de Chocolate (English Version) - Only IPS: http://www.mediafire.com/file/08oyx2xyf6xw809/Fabrica_de_Chocolate%2528TR-EN%2529.rar/file

To avoid any legal problems, to find the Original ROM the only hint I can give is: The SMS Power can extract any Mega Drive 4 rom ;) understand?

[Special thanks to ESRAEL NETO for creating the Tec Toy Mega Drive 4 file extractor]
[Special thanks to TABAJARA LABS for dumping Tec Toy Mega Drive 4]

Suggestions are welcome... 
If you will work with this file please, credit me...
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quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2018

Memória Master - Master System - English (Definitive Version)(Fixed by SLOTMAN) - By ResetCartucho

Download Link:
Memória Master (English Version) - Only IPS: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1p5nn40i294u8lc/Memoria_Master%2528TR-EN%2529.rar/file

To avoid any legal problems, to find the Original ROM the only hint I can give is: The SMS Power can extract any Mega Drive 4 rom ;) understand?

[Special thanks to ESRAEL NETO for creating the Tec Toy Mega Drive 4 file extractor]
[Special thanks to TABAJARA LABS for dumping Tec Toy Mega Drive 4]
[Special thanks to SLOTMAN for fixing the game glitches]

Suggestions are welcome... 
If you will work with this file please, credit me...
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quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2018

Bombeiros - Master System - English (Definitive Version) - By ResetCartucho

Download Links:
Bombeiros (English Version) - Only IPS: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9lk9v988a5on5l5/Bombeiros%2528TR-EN%2529.rar/file

To avoid any legal problems, to find the Original ROM the only hint I can give is: The SMS Power can extract any Mega Drive 4 rom ;) understand?

[Special thanks to ESRAEL NETO for creating the Tec Toy Mega Drive 4 file extractor]
[Special thanks to TABAJARA LABS for dumping Tec Toy
Mega Drive 4]

Suggestions are welcome... 
If you will work with this file please, credit me...
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Os 12 Trabalhos de Jongo - Master System - English (Definitive Version)(Fixed by SLOTMAN) - By ResetCartucho

Download Links:
Os 12 Trabalhos de Jongo (English Version) - Only IPS: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ln6i9ga9oofvw9c/Os_12_Trabalhos_de_Jongo_%2528TR-EN%2529.rar/file

To avoid any legal problems, to find the Original ROM the only hint I can give is: The SMS Power can extract any Mega Drive 4 rom ;) understand?

[Special thanks to ESRAEL NETO for creating the Tec Toy Mega Drive 4 file extractor]
[Special thanks to TABAJARA LABS for dumping Tec Toy Mega Drive 4]
[Special thanks to SLOTMAN for fixing the game glitches]

Suggestions are welcome... 
If you will work with this file please, credit me...
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terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2018

Acerte o Alvo - Master System - English (Definitive Version) - By ResetCartucho

Download Links:
Acerte o Alvo (English Version) - Only IPS: http://www.mediafire.com/file/wmaw27j7do116e3/Acerte_o_Alvo%2528TR-EN%2529.rar/file

To avoid any legal problems, to find the Original ROM the only hint I can give is: The SMS Power can extract any Mega Drive 4 rom ;) understand?

[Special thanks to ESRAEL NETO for creating the Tec Toy Mega Drive 4 file extractor]
[Special thanks to TABAJARA LABS for dumping Tec Toy
Mega Drive 4]

Suggestions are welcome... 
If you will work with this file please, credit me...
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